Bob's Danger Zone
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Baby's Prep - Part 2
Jusco baru kat Bukit Tinggi?? mmm..kena tunggu abah balik dari sabah dulu.. :)
Here some stuff yg sempat dibeli for our new baby nanti
Last time, masa abah oustation kat JB, abah beli baby cot..this time abah bawak balik baby car seat carrier ni dari JB. Masa Danish baby dulu, kita org letak dia dalam bakul and that bakul is still in a good shape. Tapi saje jelah..tambah sikit2 kan?? boleh gilir2...
Tapi this thing really useful, especially masa nak angkut baby from and to rumah mak salmah..
Ni lak. mittens, booties and botol susu. Ingat nak beli lagih..tapi tak byk yg menarik daa..
Baju little coro. Aku memang giler ngan baju little coro nih since design dia unique sikit. Cute giler. Walaupun doctor cakap, most probably the baby will be a gal..tapi kita org tak berani nak beli pink..
Kalau beli biru least gal pun boleh pakai..kalau beli pink..takan Boy nak pakai kot..cheehh.. Ni lak, baju little coro gak. And this one, mama grab masa kuar lunch ngan auntie alin. Nasib baik masa tuh dah kul 1 lebih..tak sempat nak grab byk2..he..he..
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Abah's Birthday @ TGIF Year 2008

Tapi since it's CNY, most of the chinese balik kampung lah kan?
Danish will be very busy with the game provided by TGIF, for the first 15 minutes of coz, lepas tuh dia buat gaya bebas kat dlm tuh. Every time he heard birthday song, he will run to that table to join them , clapping his hand..
Gambar abah ngan mama tuh,was taken by a very pro photographer name Mohd Danish Hilman, tuh yg blurry tuh..
Abah - BBQ beef rib ..of coz
Yg best, the same good taste as before. Yg tak best, rega nya dah naik. End of last year kita makan, this rib cost RM49.90, tapi mlm nih dah jadi RM51.90 sepinggan..and without tax of coz..
Fuh..mmg besau serving dia. Ingat nak share ngan Danish. Tgk2, Danish suka abah punye rib lagih. Yg macam cekodok tuh, mushroom yg dicelup tepung dan di deep fry, mmg kaw bila dicicah ngan sos. Selain tuh , chicken (with cheese + mushrooms),ada mashed potato ngan boiled vege. Sumer best, tapi byk sgt daa...
Price per pinggan - RM34.90
Danish si pencinta mushrooms soup..
so, we ordered a big bowl of mushroom soup for him. Tak habih gak since besau sgt bowl dia..
Rega se"bowl" RM12.90
We had such a great time that nite. BUt actually, this dinner is not the only present that Mama already prepared for Abah.
Abah punya birthday present this year including ;-
- Dinner at TGIF
- Jom Jalan2 kat melaka inclusive :-
- Penginapan 2 hari satu mlm kat Harbour inn melaka raya
- Sumer breakfast + lunch ditaja oleh mama
- Exclusive seafood dinner at Umbai
- except for duit tol + minyak Hilux abah, akan ditaja oleh abah sendiri..ihik..
Tapi sumer pun dah jadi history since abah balik jauh2 dari JB on CNY day itself purposely nak bawak kita org pi melaka. Tup2 sampai2 jer nampak mama terkulai kelayuan ke"demam"an..ish..spoil betul..
then after that, jadi trip pi Klinik Medivron kat sek 18..
Tapi kita ingat nak pi on Friday lah, tup2, friday morning..abah lak yg start panas badan..dah sumer org demam..tinggal Danish jer yg sihat walafiat...takan nak suruh Danish bawak Hilux kot kan?? keh..keh...
Tak pelah Abah, kita divert budget pi melaka kali nih ke percutian kita ke Sabah end of Mac nanti kan?? he..he.. tu pun, kalau mama tak buyung sangat dan larat lagih..tapi mama bab2 jalan ni, peknen 9 bulan pun boleh lagih..kalau MAS bagi naik kapal terbang dia org lah kan??? keh..keh...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Date: 9th September 2007
1. Traveling by Thai Airways from KLIA to Suvarnabh Airport Bangkok, Thailand for transit.
2. Suvarnabh Airport to Frankfurt Airport by Lufthansa Airways.
3. Frankfurt Airport to Tegel Airport, Berlin by Lufthansa Airways.
Date: 10th September 2007
1. Arrived at Tegel Airport, Berlin at Tuesday 08.45am Berlin Time. Pick up by Siemens Training Instructor Mr. Joerg Hellhammer.
2. Check in at Econtel Hotel.
3. Free activity on 10th September 2007
Date: 11th September 2007
1. Siemens Factory Visit at 9.00am
2. Explanation about Siemens AG Circuit Breaker Product by Mr. Joerg Hellhammer.
3. Explanation of Live Tank and Dead Tank Circuit Breaker.
4. Slide Show and Video presentation.
5. Hand out documentation of 3AP1 FG for rated voltage 72.5kV and 145kV
6. Program ended at 4.30pm Berlin Time.
Instructor: Mr. Joerg Hellhammer
Department: PTD H3 (Power Transmission and Distribution) Circuit Breaker and Disconnector.
P : Power
T : Transmission
D : Distribution
H : High Voltage
3 : Siemens Internal code for Circuit Breaker and Disconnector.
Circuit Breaker Ordered by SPM for SESB
- 5 units 6.6kV (72.5kV) Type 3AP1FG
- 5 units 132kV (145kV) Type 3AP1FG
Note : Circuit Breaker Type same but the CB rating is different.
a. 3 : Stand for Circuit Breaker
b. A : Stand for Air Insulated (AIS)
c. P : Version P see explanations below
d. 1 : Single Interrupter Unit.
e. F : Feda (Germany Language) means Spring
f. G : Gang ( Three Pole Gang)
O , P , Q , R , S , T
Q,R,S,T : Hydraulic system (Old Version) Eg: 3AT2/3
P : Latest Version (Spring Charge)
O : Future Version.
Live Tank Circuit Breaker
Type 3AP
Minimum operating energy needed for maximum operating requirement
They are used for voltage range up to 420kV.
Dead Tank Circuit Breaker
Voltage Rated: 3AP(Spring Charge) up to 245kV only.
: 3AT (Hydraulic) up to 550kV.
Day 2 :
Date : 12th September 2007
1. Program started at 8.30 am Berlin Time.
2. Explanations about FAT routine test to be carry out during FAT on 13th September 2007.
3. Presentation and inspection of mechanism at Operation Presentation room.
4. Factory Site Visit, Production Line, assemble, Testing and Packaging.
5. Circuit Breaker movement mechanism explanations and installation video.
6. Circuit Breaker Scheme explanations.
7. Program ended at 17.30pm Berlin Time.
Travel test.
The test included spring charging time, SF6 gas pressure and movement of interrupter unit and the main contact of circuit breaker.
1. Timing test of Interrupter unit during CB closing operation.
2. Timing test of main contact of CB during Opening operation.
3. Closing and Tripping coil power consumption measurement. ( we usually use to get the resistance of the coil).
4. Trip-Close-Trip Operation ( Graph measurement)
5. Close – Trip – Close Operation ( Graph measurement)
6. Pressure Test of circuit breaker IEC standard and ANSI Standard. 145kV rated at 310kV and 72.5kV rated at 160kV.
7. SF6 density monitoring test. ( Stage 1 alarm and Stage 2 lock-in.
-Presentation and inspection of mechanism
-Transport Lever (Free-Wheel): Is not for transportation locking device, its just claim as the limit switch during charging the spring. This liver act as a protection device to the motor charging, overcharging spring may damage the charging and damping mechanism.
-Operating Lever of circuit breaker mechanism for Close and Open Operation.
-Auxiliary contact of circuit breaker
At schematic drawing ( 458 00123 372 sheet: 8/19) only shown 10 no’s normally open contact and 9 no’s normally close contact has been wired to terminal block.
- If any faulty contact refer to ( 458 00123 372 sheet: 14/19) there shown a few contact not wired to terminal block ( which not shown the address)
Spring Charging Mechanism
2 Type of spring - Closing Spring ( Big Size Spring)
- Opening Spring ( Small size)
Installation of 3AP1 FG (145kV)
Step 1:
a. Moving the breaker base and operating mechanism unit with a crane.
b. Hang the crane hooks in the lifting eye bolt of the breaker base.
Step 2:
a. Installation of pole columns and coupling of the operating mechanism
b. Installation of pole B (centre)
c. Remove red marking screw (transportation screw) replace with new screw provided (M16X60) from accessories pack.
d. To couple the mechanism, make the pole column in open position and lock the mechanism with M6 screw provided at center movement mechanism.
Step 3:
a. Install Pole A and Pole C
b. Release M6 Screw for free movement of center rod.
Step 4:
a. Connect the gas pipe
b. Test the gas valve by press it slowly.
c. Connect 3 pole pipe at the same time ( the gas will flow to another open pipe which open)
d. After complete connect the piping, fill the SF6 gas directly ( slow pressure) until 6.5bar at 38 degree Celsius.( 6 bar at 20 degree Celsius)
Step 5:
a. Erect the electrical circuit.
b. Charge the spring with motor operation.
c. Close open operation
Installation of 3AP1 FG (72.5kV)
Just check the M6 Screw (locking device) already release.
Erect the electrical circuit
Fill the SF6 gas
Charge the spring by motor operation
Close open operation
**Refer to installation manual for detail
Circuit Breaker Scheme
1. Circuit Breaker 3AP1 FG 145kV and 66kV already design as Lock In Circuit Breaker, SESB already agree the scheme as per previous circuit breaker install by them.
2. Circuit Breaker current rating which state at the order is 1250A, as per discuss Siemens AG agree to change it to 3150A for 145kV and 2000A for 66kV. ( due to misunderstanding between Siemens (M) and Siemens AG.
3. Installation of 1kV resistor between closing and tripping coil will interrupt Trip circuit supervision, but SESB confirm it not interrupt the Trip circuit supervision scheme. (No changing of schematic drawing during their 1st installation of Siemens circuit breaker) Drawing ref: 458 00123 372 sheets: 7/19.
4. SF6 stage 1 only give the signal to enunciator as per agree by SESB. ( it will not involved in tripping circuit)
5. SF6 Stage 2 will lock-in the CB, but it may trip 1sec before K10 operated if the circuit wired, this scheme not recommended by Siemens AG. Drawing ref: 458 00123 372 sheets: 6/19.
6. Spring uncharged signal always appear at annunciator, due no timer relay install to delay the signal. ( in this case SESB agree to proceed on this scheme)
7. Heater recommended using three phase supply since the circuit breaker use 3 separated MCBs. Setting of the heater recommended by Siemens AG is 3degree more then ambient temperature.(Celsius)
8. Plug socket outlet already install by using European standard plug, SESB want us to provide the adaptor for it . ( Siemens AG will avoid the guarantee if have any touching on their scheme)
9. Installation of Variastor at K9, K10 and K69 to prevent over voltage from damage the coil of the relay, but if over Voltage happen the variastor will short the circuit ( if over voltage happen more then 1 minute and will not return to previously it was). The conclusion is it will trip the MCB of the supply, this will cause of interruption for the system. ( SESB agree to used this scheme cause of probability its happen is too small) Drawing ref: 458 00123 372 sheet: 6/19
Day 3 :
Date : 13th September 2007
1. Program started at 8.30 am Berlin time.
2. FAT test begin on 3AP1 FG 145kV
3. Factory Site visit Production line and final packaging of CB to deliver .
4. FAT test on 3AP1 FG 72.5kV
5. Test result compiling (by Siemens AG)
6. Closing meeting on Circuit Breaker session.
7. Program ended at 17.30pm Berlin time.
FAT on 3AP1 FG Circuit Breaker
Test Conduct by Siemens AG Rep. : Mr. Ralf Tschiesche
Contact Resistance Test
a. Injection Current apply 100A dc
b. Measurement of contact reading in mV dc
c. Acceptance contact resistance is around 25 micro ohms for 145kV circuit breaker.
d. Acceptance contact resistance is around 33 micro ohms for 72.5kV circuit breaker.
e. The reading of 145kV and 72.5kV different due to size of the contact.
Operation test ( 5 times each operation)
a. Close Operation and travel test.
b. Open Operation and travel test
c. Close Open operation and travel test
d. Open Close Open Operation and travel test
SF6 density monitoring.
a. Alarm stage ( Stage 1)
b. Lock In stage ( Stage 2)
Local test
a. SF6 Lock In operation
b. Local Close Operation
c. Local Trip Operation
Insulation resistance test
a. All internal wire already tested by using 2kV insulation tester.
Pressure Test.
a. Voltage applied 310kV for 145kV voltage rated circuit breaker.
b. Voltage applied 160kV for 72.5kV voltage rated circuit breaker.
c. All tests have been done during CB open position.
d. Pressure test for CB close not done.
e. Partial discharge also not conducted.
Day 4 :
Date : 14th September 2007
Closing program with Mr. Joerg Hellhammer at Siemens PTD department.
a. Check Out from Econtel Hotel at 6.00pm Berlin Time
b. Travel to Tegel Airport, Berlin by Taxi.
c. Travel from Tegel Airport to Frankfurt by Lufthansa Airways
d. Travel from Frankfurt Airport to Suvarnabh Airport, Lufthansa Airways.
e. Travel from Suvarnabh Airport to KLIA by Lufthansa Airways.
Arrived at KLIA at 15 September 2007 time 18.15 pm.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Berlin - the Exploration
It's always my dream to go for an overseas trip. Alhamdulliah, it happened. Thanks to SPM who have faith in me. Thanks to enal who never fail in trusting me. And not fogetting to other SPM testing members who willing to cover my testing job here, especially, team members and anak2 didik in Permas jaya substaion. dun worry, pergi ku bukan jauh, Germany sajer..dan pergi ku bukan lama, seminggu sajer. :)
This exciting journey started at this award winner airport - KLIA. Selected Airline - Thai AirLines...So long , farewell Malaysia, till we meet again in 7 days time ! Insyaallah ..
our fisrt transit, Bangkok. Me and Azam waited for 1 and a half hour before cathing up our next flight to another transit-Franfurt.
But as we get into the Lufthansa airline in Bangkok, some problem arose. We have been terrigated as we are the murderer by the germany immigration. All sort of stupid, dummy and non-logical questions need to be answered. What a mess ! We do understand, some immigration need to question "our wealthy" but if they really need to know on how much money we have in our bank, they should do it at front-end, before they print out our ticket may be, not in the middle of the no-where. It dosn't matter if they ask in a polite manner but the way they asking question, lile %$#*. I didn't plan to do" shop till you drop" that why I only have 300 euros in my pocket. But as they saying " you can't survive with 300 euros in Berlin". What the hack, i didn't go to Berlin to find my soul mate and started my own famly there. I went there for training for God sake!Lucky I have my 2 frens who save the day, Mr Visa and Mr Mastercard. As I introduce my 2 frens to mr "rude" germany immigration, he's agree to swallow all his stupid words that coming from his mouth and let me go freely.
I was welcomed by rain drop in Berlin. This shot was taken from the taxi. Fares from Tegel airport Berlin to Econtel hotel worth 10 euro.
After a very long 16 hours journey, kehausan melanda. Bought drinks from a nearby shop, 2 cans of ice lemon tean and a can of Fanta cost me 5 euro. kalau kat mesia, duit sebanyak tuh dah boleh beli satu catoon ice lemon tea dah
This is one of the beautiful building in berlin. A very unique and antique structured and well maintain too.
For more beautiful snap shots in Berlin, view more pictures from here.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Awang Parasit: AP
Company: SPMEC
Service: More then 10 years
Driving Licence: B2,D+GDL
Driving Record: Company vehical (Total Loss)
Working day: 4 days a week ( two more day Ulaq)
Hometown: Nine Country
Hometown(regular to find if missing): Clant Tone
Hiding : Hang Tuah Country
Site: Ikut suka dan berkepentingan........????!!!!!
Al Kisah : 29 August 2007 (AP dengan WLW)
Date: 26 August 2007 (Sunday)
12.30: Wa dpt msg dari ECE regarding PMU Perling Outage( Reserve Busbar)
Travelling from Shah Alam to PMU Perling (Johore Bahru)
13.30: Received call from AP, dia kata nak tolong kerja2 kat Perling, wa setuju untuk singgah kat Negeri Hang Tuah untuk ambik dia ni.....pada mulanya ok...wa tak rau yg dia ni ada rancangan....sebalik volunteer nak tolong wa....
Date: 27 August 2007
Pukul 2.00 pagi Outage PMU Perling Cancelled- tukar agenda PIAT PMU Perling 9.00 am
mamat AP ni rupa2nyer mmg dah tau yg wa ada hantar borang cuti kat opis last week, dia ada kata ngan wa yg suruh i balik KL dulu ngan Bus..just tinggalkan kerja2 PMU Perling kat dia....actually wa tak berapa berharap yg dia boleh handle, then i buat keputusan yg i akan balik pada Wednesday 29 August.... AP ni macan unhappy ngan keputusan wa laaa...... Then wa buat laa PIAT pada 27 August, semua team wa sebok pada masa tu....dia AP ilang tah gi mana....rupa2nyer gi borak2, minum2 ngan org lain.....tinggal kan wa and team klangkabut buat kerja...takper......wa ok ...tak ada dia pun wa leh buat kerja.....tak kesah pun.....malam tu dia sebok kata transport wa WLW mesti kena tinggal kat site if i cuti...... actually i dah buat perancangan...if i balik my team member will arrange satu sama lain regarding transport....sebab mmg i jer yg duk KL...yg lain team member mmg dah jadi org Jay Bee. then i dah agak macam ada sesuatu yg AP ni ingin kan....
28 August 2007
AP ni bising lagi....nak kan WLW untuk senang dia balik, dia kata ticket nak balik Clant Tone dah abih....then dia kata wa ada kereta kat balik naik bas jer laaa..... tu laaa dia tak paham yang opis dah oder sama wa DC Pressure Test and CB Timing Test (Zubir) untuk bawak balik....apahal wa nak bawak balik ngan bas......AP ni asik ajer suruh wa balik Thursday sama dia...wa cakap baik2 wa ada urusan kena balik secepat mungkin.....AP ni macam tak puas hati..dia ungkit laaa yg WLW ni company punya....nanti orang kata apa kalau i bawak balik....i bawak i jaga....i basuh.....hehehhe, Kononnyer nak bagi nasihat kat i, takut org lain kata apa2 memburuk2 kan i....... actually i mmg tak kesah org nak kata apa.....kalau nak dicerita kan... transport SPMEC semua nyer baru2......coz tak jaga macam i jaga laa semua dah jahanam.....dulu i pakai ADH 2098 jer Perodua Rusa....second hand....sampai hand over balik condition masih lagi TIP TOP.......but bila jatuh pada tangan yg lain.....3 bulan jer jahanam...pecah sana sini....kemek sana sini....hargailaa harta company.....lepas tu laaa company bagi WLW untuk i jaga.......jgn nak argue macam2 lak...... nak cantik ..bersih semua buat sendiri tak pakai duit company pun......bila dah confort semua org nak....kalau jahanam semua orang tak pandang....
29 August 2007
8.00am : Pagi2 lagi AP dah sebok, nak antar wa gi bus stand, dia kata ada bus lagi......wa bagi tau dia yg wa mmg kena bawak transport balik.....dia kata dia nak report kat opis....i kata carry on.laaaa...i tak kesah..... actually my GM pun dah tau yg i kena balik ngan WLW.....dia tak kesah pun ...apa AP ada kuasa........harap kan lama jer berkerja.......i tak kesah pun kalau dia meracuni pemikiran my team mate......coz dia org dah tau AP ni camner......jenis nak enjoy and suka salah kan orang lain......macam baling batu then sorok tangan.....
wa mmg tak kesah.....just jangan carik pasal ngan wa......sebab wa mmg tak carik pasal ngan sapa2......AP nak ulaq....nak jumpa bini......nak tak nak dtg kerja......itu lu nyer tangong jawab....wa taknak involve..... jangan lupa AP ni nak balik Clantan Khamis malam, yes Jumaat(Merdeka) sabtu still working day......ada apply cuti cam ni nak bagi nasehat kat wa ....layak ker?????